Narrative First: where story is always king

Figuring Out the Throughlines of a Complete Narrative

Episode Summary

Continuing the series on Identifying the Key Story Points of a Narrative, I explain a method for singling out the various perspectives within a complete story.

Episode Notes

Continuing the series on Identifying the Key Story Points of a Narrative, I explain a method for singling out the various perspectives within a complete story. For each Throughline, conflict appears as either a Situation, an Activity, a Fixed Attitude, or a Manner of Thinking. Effective narratives balance out these four areas throughout the Four Throughlines. In addition to explaining a process for determining these areas in your story, I also explain what Dramatica means by Conceptualizing. While easier definitions might make Dramatica more approachable, an understanding of the original terminology leads to greater accuracy. And I start things off with a brief discussion of some tools I use and practices I engage in while working on this site and my own writing projects.

The Dramatica Mentorship Program - my premier service designed to give you the tools and techniques for applying Dramatica's powerful concepts to your stories.

Narrative First theme by Alex Hull. Hear more on his Soundcloud, Operation Solace